After laying around and having family and friends visit for the week it was time for my weekly appointment!!! I was so happy to get out of the house and just breathe fresh air. In fact, Mike asked if I wanted the windows to be put down so I could get fresh air rather than bedroom air; bless his heart, it's like I'm a dog wanting to throw my head out the window... although, I did think about it, but holding my scar and stomach was more important. ;)
I was dropped off at the front and put into a wheelchair, because I am not allowed to walk anywhere but the 10 feet to get to the bathroom at my house, and wheeled to the 9th floor. I checked in with my doctor, who explained to me that the wheelchair thing was something I should get used to because I would have to use it every week. Not always bad to be pushed around, but when you're only 27 and healthy enough to walk, I'm sure over the course of the next 14 weeks it may get old. I will keep you posted.
We had our weekly ultra-sound and we found out that baby boy is healing up well and seems to be doing wonderfully, but this is going to be a process and we will check on his healing each week. His heartbeat is strong, which is always the first thing that they are looking at. It always makes me feel better to hear it too, even if I get to feel him kick all day long, hearing that heart is a huge sigh of relief.
One funny aspect of our son's life is that he is a squirmy little guy. In fact, at EVERY ultra-sound he is never in the position the doctors are hoping he would be in to check out his back. The only day that he was in the position the doctors wanted was the day of the surgery. It was like he was telling me, 'Mom, I'ma give you this one day... and that's it'. So I suppose it's something I will have to get used to, although I thought I had more time before he became this stubborn. :)
After the ultra-sound we reviewed the scar on me to see how I was healing. The doctors were very happy to see that everything looked really good and that I was following their directions. They decided, even though I was told to wait about 4 weeks, to take the tape off of my scar and to let me heal without it. I was nervous, based on the fact that I felt like my skin could split open at any minute, but they are the experts, and I trusted what they were telling me. I still of course, have to be as careful as possible but this was yet another good sign. I left the doctors appointment truly feeling that Mike and I made the best decision we could have made and everything post-surgery had given us that hope.
My stomach once the tape was off; please forgive the close up on my bulging belly. My mom really wanted to get a good view of what it looked like because I can't see it ;)
So now that we were a week and a half past surgery and our first post-op appointment went well, it was time to wait another week for another ultra-sound and doctors check up!
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