Stuck at Home and Post-Op Week 3

Well it's officially been three and a half weeks since surgery and I am starting to get into the stir-crazy phase. I have done my best to stay busy and with work that has helped. In case I haven't already told you, I am a 7th grade middle school teacher. Language Arts is my area and with being on bed rest I cannot go back to work until after the baby is born. Due to this, I will have a long term sub in my room with my kids and teaching what I am used to teaching every year.

Having someone else in my room is a weird feeling. I was lucky enough to set up my room before surgery, and put together everything in a binder for the person that will be inhabiting my classroom this year. Not to toot my own horn, but I am VERY proud of this binder I created. In fact, I love it so much that it will be my own lifeline next year. This binder will take anyone in my classroom from the PD in August when we return back to work until January; literally half of the year. The best part, it made me busy at home!!!

I was actually doing something every day and I wasn't ridiculously bored while sitting in the same position at home. I wish I would have taken more pictures of this binder because it holds my classroom within it. I'm actually thinking, that to keep myself busy I am going to make another binder for the second half of the year so when I return I am set to go with units, meeting notes, and everything in-between. Plus, it'll keep me busy before baby boy arrives. Here is a picture of the organization within the binder. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do, or maybe it's a teacher thing.

If you can't tell, I like things to be organized... fingers crossed my second binder looks just as great!

Here is where I am running into issues. I know that I will work really hard for about a week or two on my second binder but once that's over I am going to need more to do. Any thoughts or input for me would be wonderful! I am thinking about knitting or crocheting, and I always have my scrap-booking too. If you have a thought, please share! Like I said I am trying to stay as busy as possible so anything you can offer would be awesome!

Okay so enough of my bed-rest onto our weekly appointment! Besides having to go in for our weekly ultra-sound today I also had to take my glucose test. Yep, I had to drink that lovely orange drink that everyone talks about to get my blood drawn. Once that was complete it was onto the 9th floor!

As of now I believe that my glucose came back and I am good to go because I have not received a phone call from the hospital saying different; but I will keep you posted.

The appointment went well today. Baby is doing well, still in his breached position, which we have all started to find humorous considering that he has always been in the breached position except for the day of surgery. The doctors tell us that our little boy is truly fascinating and we tend to agree. :)

Since we already had his measurements last week there was not need to do it this week. Instead we were looking at his heart, brain, and back. His heart was great; beating at 153 beats per minute which put a smile on our faces. Next was his back, now because he was in an odd position we couldn't see everything but we did see where his back was healing and everything was looking pretty good. Last but not least, his ventricles and cerebellum. Last week his ventricles were measuring at 15 and 16 millimeters. This week, both ventricles were around 15 millimeters; so they are stable from where they were last week which we took as a good sign because they aren't increasing. As for his cerebellum, the doctors are starting to see a huge improvement which was great news! We took the news as the following from his appointment:

The ventricles will not be able to decrease in size until the cerebellum is completely healed. Once it's healed, it gives the fluid being blocked up in the back of his head and brain the space to move the way it needs to, thus, decreasing the size of his ventricles. Just like last weeks appointment, it's a waiting game but the good news is the ventricles are stable and not growing in size.

Next week we will have another appointment to check the three important areas; heart, back, and brain and then we will have new measurements of how he is growing. Last but not least the doctors gave us a delivery date today, well kid-of! Due to the surgery we both had, baby Hilton will be born via C-Section and will be born once I am at 36 weeks because we don't want my uterus that has also been cut to stretch and tear, meaning he will be born between October 24th-October 30th.

At this point I am 3 1/2 weeks into bed rest with 9 weeks left to go, down to single digits! From the point of his birth we will be in the NICU to make sure that he is growing the way he still needs to, being a preemie and to figure out if he will need a shunt to release the fluid in his brain. As always, this is something we won't know until he is born, but we are anticipating that we will be at the hospital with him for about a month at the least.

We did get some pictures from today's appointment. We have some more side profiles and we did get to see his face today too! I have uploaded the face picture, but he moved before the nurse was able to take the shot so he does look like an alien, don't judge. ;)

We will keep you posted once we have our next appointment next Thursday!

 Baby Hilton's face.. alien looking at all :)
Side Profile of the little man looking like he is about to kick himself in the head...
