Well, shortly after my quick "all things are great and Carter is 4 months old" post we have found ourselves back at Mott's. Over this past weekend Carter had begun to get a bit of a dry cough; something we told his pediatrician about and she told us to watch him and if it gets worse to call. Unfortunately it got exponentially worse so we took him back to the doctor. His temperature was normal but he had an awful cough, full of mucus, and just seemed exhausted majority of the time. There wasn't really too much that the doctor could do but to tell us to ride it out and that it would go away but to come back the following day so that they could re-check is oxygen to make sure it was okay.
So, on Tuesday my mom was taking Carter to the doctors office for his check-up (I was out running errands for a charity event I am trying to put together, of course) and the doctor had told my mom that his oxygen levels were lower and that she would feel better if he was taken to the hospital. My mom got him all set and went to check out while the doctor watched Carter before they left. She returned to find Carter out of his carseat and looking pretty upset. For the two minutes she was out and he was with the doctor Carter began to choke on the mucus and turned purple so the doctor grabbed him and was able to get him breathing again. It was at that point that the doctor suggested to take an ambulance in case something like that happened again while she was driving. Carter's first ride to the ambulance!!!
Luckily, Mike was on his lunch break and was able to meet my mom at the doctors office so he could ride in the ambulance. I was already in Ann Arbor so I immediately stopped running errands and went to Mott's to wait for them to arrive. Mike called and told me they were putting Carter in the ambulance and heading my way.
Once Carter arrived he was taken to the ER and was checked on to see what was going on. He had a stuffed up nose, clogged throat with his mucus, wheezing, and having difficulty breathing. However, he never had a fever (and still doesn't to this day.) The doctor told us that they would give Carter some oxygen and if it looked like he was getting better he could go home; about an hour later the doctor told us that he wasn't going anywhere and that they have started the process to admit him back at Mott's.
We were welcomed back to the 12th floor and Carter was set up in his own room for the night. He was still on oxygen and was told he would continue to be on oxygen and watched for the night. What a long night it was. Carter had terrible cough and when he would cough he would immediately turn red, stop breathing, and snot would be EVERYWHERE. As you can guess too, because we have all been there, his appetite dropped too and he wasn't eating as much. After a long night it was time for rounds.
The team came in and started reviewing what was going on. They also explained that his sickness didn't have anything to do with his Spina Bifida, but unfortunately, even though he has never been out in public, unless it's being at the hospital, some babies just get these bad bugs and because he is a preemie it can be worse, which is why we are here. They told us that Carter has bronchiolitis and that within about 5-7 days it would hopefully go away. Carter however, was going to stay at Mott's because his oxygen levels were still low and he needed oxygen to help him breathe. The one area the doctors were nervous about is his wheezing and they wanted to keep watching it. They also explained that if he continued to not eat they would need to place an IV in so that he would be getting some fluids.
Throughout the day Carter slept and then tried to eat, but in the end, an IV was put in. (Talk about the worst thing to be a part of while your 4 month old is screaming as they move a needle around his hand/arm.) The IV ended up being a great thing for him though because he seemed to be happier and when he was awake he would smile and try to talk, but it hurt his poor little throat. At night, Mike came from work and we switched shifts so I could try and get some sleep at home. Mike stayed at Mott's with Carter and it was off to bed for me!
I returned in the morning and Mike filled me in on what the doctors were saying. He will be here again today and tonight. Although Carter's coughing has been decreasing and his oxygen was getting better they still need to keep him on some oxygen due to his heavy breathing and wheezing. It is taking Carter a lot of work to breathe and that is something the doctors are a little concerned about. If this continues they will need to give Carter steroids to try and help. He has been eating a little bit more and seems to be a happier baby when he is awake but you can tell from those tired little eyes that he has been through a lot. For now, he sleeps while I hang out in his room and hopefully we will be able to figure out this whole wheezing/breathing issue and continue to watch him to make sure he is fighting this sickness.
So, on Tuesday my mom was taking Carter to the doctors office for his check-up (I was out running errands for a charity event I am trying to put together, of course) and the doctor had told my mom that his oxygen levels were lower and that she would feel better if he was taken to the hospital. My mom got him all set and went to check out while the doctor watched Carter before they left. She returned to find Carter out of his carseat and looking pretty upset. For the two minutes she was out and he was with the doctor Carter began to choke on the mucus and turned purple so the doctor grabbed him and was able to get him breathing again. It was at that point that the doctor suggested to take an ambulance in case something like that happened again while she was driving. Carter's first ride to the ambulance!!!
Luckily, Mike was on his lunch break and was able to meet my mom at the doctors office so he could ride in the ambulance. I was already in Ann Arbor so I immediately stopped running errands and went to Mott's to wait for them to arrive. Mike called and told me they were putting Carter in the ambulance and heading my way.
Once Carter arrived he was taken to the ER and was checked on to see what was going on. He had a stuffed up nose, clogged throat with his mucus, wheezing, and having difficulty breathing. However, he never had a fever (and still doesn't to this day.) The doctor told us that they would give Carter some oxygen and if it looked like he was getting better he could go home; about an hour later the doctor told us that he wasn't going anywhere and that they have started the process to admit him back at Mott's.
Sleeping away in his hospital bed
We were welcomed back to the 12th floor and Carter was set up in his own room for the night. He was still on oxygen and was told he would continue to be on oxygen and watched for the night. What a long night it was. Carter had terrible cough and when he would cough he would immediately turn red, stop breathing, and snot would be EVERYWHERE. As you can guess too, because we have all been there, his appetite dropped too and he wasn't eating as much. After a long night it was time for rounds.
The team came in and started reviewing what was going on. They also explained that his sickness didn't have anything to do with his Spina Bifida, but unfortunately, even though he has never been out in public, unless it's being at the hospital, some babies just get these bad bugs and because he is a preemie it can be worse, which is why we are here. They told us that Carter has bronchiolitis and that within about 5-7 days it would hopefully go away. Carter however, was going to stay at Mott's because his oxygen levels were still low and he needed oxygen to help him breathe. The one area the doctors were nervous about is his wheezing and they wanted to keep watching it. They also explained that if he continued to not eat they would need to place an IV in so that he would be getting some fluids.
All set with his IV
Throughout the day Carter slept and then tried to eat, but in the end, an IV was put in. (Talk about the worst thing to be a part of while your 4 month old is screaming as they move a needle around his hand/arm.) The IV ended up being a great thing for him though because he seemed to be happier and when he was awake he would smile and try to talk, but it hurt his poor little throat. At night, Mike came from work and we switched shifts so I could try and get some sleep at home. Mike stayed at Mott's with Carter and it was off to bed for me!
Smiles and silly faces for mommy and daddy
I returned in the morning and Mike filled me in on what the doctors were saying. He will be here again today and tonight. Although Carter's coughing has been decreasing and his oxygen was getting better they still need to keep him on some oxygen due to his heavy breathing and wheezing. It is taking Carter a lot of work to breathe and that is something the doctors are a little concerned about. If this continues they will need to give Carter steroids to try and help. He has been eating a little bit more and seems to be a happier baby when he is awake but you can tell from those tired little eyes that he has been through a lot. For now, he sleeps while I hang out in his room and hopefully we will be able to figure out this whole wheezing/breathing issue and continue to watch him to make sure he is fighting this sickness.
Tired baby...
Poor baby! Get well soon!